Ability To Add Custom JS on header / footer similar to Wordpress / other site builder

The old mini extension has a built-in crisp chat support extension, but it would be better if you were able to add any extension to be able to use other extensions by simply adding custom code in either the header or footer similar to other site builders. This feature would go great with custom DNS features if you guys would implement & would widen the functionality of the form by so much.

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+1 for this - Yes most of the support chat solutions out there now provides us a html/JS embed code - Example Freshchat, Intercom etc.

This would be great improvement to the previous chat support feature.

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Makes sense. I just created a ticket for our team. I’ll post here when we have updates on this.

fyi in case you missed it you’re already able to add html on your webpage by adding formula field on your form that contains your html code & check render html content found on advanced tab. just found the feature randomly on their help docs before the community exists

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