Ability to upload .msg files via forms

Airtable allows .msg files in the attachment field. However, this is not possible in the mini extension forms:

Could you allow uploading of .msg files via forms?

Hi @amanda.teodoro. Did you try to restrict the file types for the attachment field?

Hi @Abdul. No, I haven’t.

Hi @amanda.teodoro. Thank you for verifying the issue. I have generated a ticket to address this concern, and we will provide updates through this communication channel.

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Hi Paulo!
Do you have any updates about this feature?

Hi @amanda.teodoro. It is already being worked on by our engineers. Unfortunately, we don’t have any timeline for when it will be shipped. I will let you know if there is an update on this ticket in the future.

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We would like to inform you that attachment field now accepts files with msg file extension. We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience it has caused. Please let us know if there are any other concerns.