Is it possible to stop accepting responses?


We are using miniextensions in a recruitment process to let candidates add additional data to the records in airtable.
Is there a way to stop accepting responses with the miniextensions form for the individual records (e.g. 7 days after their first submission/ a individual date per record)?
And can we even show a message if this particular form is not accepting applications anymore / submissions are closed? E.g. similar to the possibility to stop accepting responses / close submissions in airtable forms (New Feature: Ability to close form submissions - Airtable Community), but individual per record.
I thought about creating some filters in airtable, but there might even be an easier way within miniextension. Thanks for your help!

Hello @LinusM! Welcome to the miniExtensions forum. To better understand the issue, could you please clarify whether the user is trying to log in to the form or editing an existing record?

Hi Paulo
Thanks for your answer. It is to edit an existing record with a form.

Hi @LinusM.

You can refer to this support article that explains how to disable editing conditionally.

If this doesn’t address your concern, please provide us with more information about your use case.

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Hi @Abdul ,
thanks a lot, that is exactly what i was looking for.