Redirect Based on OS

The ability to have fields display side-by-side is a great addition – especially for users accessing the form with a desktop or laptop PC, but that experience doesn’t necessarily work for mobile users.

I realize I could create links to take users to different forms, but is it possible to detect users’ operating system and redirect them to the appropriate form?

Hi @darryl.oliver. Would you like to disable the side-by-side field feature when viewing in mobile devices?

Is that something the user would have to initiate or do you mean an option I can select when setting up the form? If it’s the latter, yes.

It would be the latter but this feature is not yet available. However, we have created a ticket for this request, and we will keep you informed of any updates through this channel.

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We are delighted to inform you that we have released the feature you requested. You can find more information in this post: