Restrict miniExtensions access

Currently, we can share the miniExtensions workspace with several collaborators. But it would be very useful if we could restrict their access according to Airtable Workspaces OR according to specific bases.

This is very important when we think about access levels for each employee. In our case, we have some workspaces in airtable that are more restricted, which is why it would be interesting to be able to restrict which MiniExtension users would have access to the extensions created on the bases of the restricted workspaces.

If it’s not possible to create a rule per Airtable Workspace, perhaps we could think about creating a rule per base. In other words, for each new extension created on base X, the person responsible would have the ability to indicate which Mini Extension users would have access to this new extension, like the following example:


Is it possible?


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Another possibility is to define access per user, i.e. when sending the invitation to the miniExtension workspace, it would be defined which Airtable workspaces the user would have access to.
In this case, we could later change the user’s access in the miniExtension administrator panel:
When the Owner click on the Permissions, he would be able to see wich Airtable workspaces the user has access and could remove or add more workspaces if desired.

Hi @amanda.teodoro. I forwarded your request to the team and will see if it’s possible to add this feature to our product roadmap. I will let you know if there is any update on this ticket in the future. We appreciate your feedback and please let us know if you have any other requests!

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Yes this would be very useful. It’s hard to invite collaborators at the moment as they can access everything

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Hi @willh. I have added your vote to the existing feature request. We will keep you updated through this channel.


This feature is becoming more and more necessary for us. do you have any idea when it will go into production?


Hi @Abdul!
Do you have any updates about this feature?

Hello @amanda.teodoro, regrettably, this hasn’t been added to our product roadmap presently. I’ve noted your follow-up in the ticket, and we’ll keep you informed.

This is currently the big difference between a hobbyist tool and an enterprise ready platform.

Hello @willh. I’ve reactivated the ticket to revisit this matter with the team. Our goal is to assist businesses utilizing Airtable by incorporating features that enhance our customers’ process flow. We’ll provide you with updates through this channel.

Hi @Abdul. Is there any updates on a deadline for this feature?

Hi Amanda,

Our workspaces feature allows for data separation and access management. You can select which bases will be available within each miniExtensions workspace. You would then add collaborators to each workspace as needed so they would only be able to access the data and extensions in the bases available in their workspace.

Please let me know if you have any follow-up questions or require any further assistance. I’d be happy to help!
