Ability to print records in portal

Could you make available the possibility of printing a report of each record in the portal, as well as all the records in the portal, respecting the filters made?

My suggestion is to give the portal creator the possibility to allow printing, example:

With this, portal users could have a button for printing the entire report with all records. Example:

Also, they could print each record individually, with a button to be made available on each record form.Example:

My intention is to have all possible fields printed, without breaking the records.


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Hi @amanda.teodoro. Thank you for your feedback. I forwarded your request to the team and will see if it’s possible to add this feature to our product roadmap. I will let you know if there is any update on this ticket in the future.

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+1 to this - it would be a big improvement over Airtable if a view could be filtered and then printed. Airtable shared views provide great printing but they don’t respect filters or custom sorting.

Hi @amanda.teodoro and @willh. Print a specific record in the portal is possible by prompting print (Ctrl+P for Windows) while the child form is open.

I have added @willh vote in the ticket about printing the grid in the portal. We will keep you updated through this channel.

Afternoon @Abdul , just wondering if there’s an update on the ability to print the records from a portal, please?


  1. it shows all the columns and rows (presently it cuts off after a certain point), and also
  2. it will respect the filters / sort the user may have applied to their portal.

Just on point 2., I know there’s a few people in the Airtable community who would like the ability for a user to print only what their filters show.

Thanks for any updates, DanC

Sorry @Abdul I should have mentioned you in my previous post.

@dancourse Hi Dan, no update yet. We have a few internal projects that we are working on to improve the infrastructure of miniExtensions over the next few weeks. We will get to this as soon as we can after that.

Hi @Abdul. Do you have any updates on a deadline for this feature?

Hi Amanda,

Thank you for your message! Our engineers are actively looking into implementing this feature request at the moment. Unfortunately, I cannot commit to a firm deadline on this but please rest assured that I will notify everybody in this thread when this becomes available!

Thank you for providing this suggestion! We really do appreciate everybody’s feedback!