Add filtering and sorting Buttons to New Portal ( Similar to old extension view )

Hi Team. Sometimes not so savvy users have difficulties using the filter button.
They found it easier in some use case to filter by ready made buttons ( this was an excellent feature in the old extensions )

Would be great if it can be brought into the the new portal as an option.

Hi Jamie, we’re hoping to get the first version of this feature out within the next week.

This first version does not have the ability to set a sort, only a filter.

I’m guessing you’d like a sort as well, so I will create a ticket for that as well.

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+1 would be great feature to have

Wow, That would be great! - would this function the same way as the old filter & sort buttons do? Example : by selecting an Airtable’s view - and the button will inherit the filter & sort from the selected Airtable’s view .

The new functionality will not use Airtable views, but will provide the same kind of funtionality. We also decided to include sorting in the initial version of this feature. You’ll be able to provide a label for each button + filters + sort order (for each one, including being able to customize each one of them for whether they should show only records linked to the logged in user, or also include records not linked to the logged in user).

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One thing I noticed is that the application as a whole handles filter & sorting differently to how it used to work on the old miniextensions which used to use direct airtable view instead of adding the filters & sorts separately on each form. Now there’s definitely pros with this new approach as it eliminates the problem of reusing the same view for multiple forms & when I tried to change the configuration for one form it affects other form, but all that could be fixed with better view management using better names & view locking mechanism on Airtable. But now that I’ve been building forms on the new miniextensions for a few months, I do find the old way of using views instead of individual filters & sorts to be superior in the long run as you could seamlessly reuse & replicate (although you’d have to go back & forth between Airtable & miniextensions to do so) & also being able to take advantages of a more granular filter & sort grouping conditions. For Me personally having both options of implementing individual filters & sorts as well as being able to use Airtable views would be ideal.

@briansport13 I just spoke with the team. We think we may be able to create a system that allows reusing some fields across extensions. We’re thinking this would be useful for things like filters/sort/headers/loginPage/etc. I’ve created a ticket for this. We’ll post here when we have any updates.


I would also add the ability to reuse the same forms that have been previously created like it was on the Old MiniExtensions. Although on the Old MiniExtensions they would show all forms extension even the ones that belong to other bases which should be filtered down to only forms that belong to the same table.

Yeah the child form reusing issue is very high on our list. We’ll try to address it as soon as we can.

We just released this feature: Portal: Custom Views for Filtering & Sorting