Ability to set conditions for each option in single or multiple select fields

It would be very interesting if we could individualize each option of the single and multiple select fields according to predetermined conditions.

In a form we have a “type” field, single select, that has 3 options: “type A”, “type B” and “type C”.
In this same form, we have a “subtype” field, single select, that will only show the options of “subtype A” when the “type A” option is selected in the previous field.

Today, you have to create different subtype fields to allow this possibility, which pollutes the database.

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Hi @amanda.teodoro. Thank you for your feedback. I have created a ticket for this request. We will keep you updated through this channel.

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Hi @Abdul!

Any idea of a deadline to enable this feature?

This is becoming very important for our business. I would love to see it up and running as soon as possible or at least have an idea of a timeframe


Unfortunately, we don’t have any timeline for when it will be shipped. I will let you know if there is an update on this ticket in the future. We appreciate your feedback and please let us know if you have any other requests!

+1 !

We need something like this too. Currently we have almost 20 different dropdowns to help accomodate

Hi @amandallls. I have added your vote to the ticket. We will keep you updated through this channel.