Legacy app: Support Airtable Personal Access Token

We are excited to inform you that we have added the ability to use the Airtable Personal Access Token for the integration of the legacy website to Airtable. For detailed instructions on how to set this up, please refer to this article:
How to setup Personal Access Token for integrating the legacy website to Airtable?
Please feel free to share your thoughts with us by posting a comment below or contacting us via chat.

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Is anyone else having trouble with this? I made the switch from API key to personal access token two weeks ago and it seemed to be working fine up until today. Now all my legacy extensions are broken. :worried:

Hi @cvanmeter, to resolve this error on the legacy site, please follow the instructions provided in this article:

Error "You should provide valid api key to perform this operation’
This error shows for legacy account users. If you have already…