Linked Records: Ability to use URL field as source of the thumbnail

We are excited to inform you that we have added the ability to select a URL field in Custom Thumbnail Field. This will allow the linked records field to pull the image outside the Airtable and use it as a thumbnail.

It’s important to note that the image must have public access in order for the portal to display it as a thumbnail.

Please do not hesitate to share your thoughts with us by leaving a comment below or by contacting us via chat.


Thank you @Abdul ! This is AMAZING!! Now that this is available, it gave me an idea that this would be awesome to have available within the portal detail cards, the ability to display a photo using a URL, vs an attachment field.

We have an upcoming project where we need to display 3-4 photos for approval in each view, and it would be awesome to have the ability to display those vs. require clicking a link.