Portal: Lookup Field to a Linked Record Field

We are pleased to announce that we have supported a lookup field that displays a linked record field as a valid portal table.

For more information about this feature, please visit this article: How to have multiple tables in a portal? | miniExtensions for Airtable

Your feedback is valuable to us, and we would love to hear any comments or suggestions you may have. Please do not hesitate to share your thoughts with us by leaving a comment below or by contacting us via chat.


Hi @Abdul

This sounds like a great addition. Would it be possible to do a video at all to demonstrate how this feature works?


Hi @silisols. We have an article explaining the necessary setup needed for the lookup field to show up as a valid selection in Portal Table. What are the required configurations to utilize the lookup field as a Portal Table? | miniExtensions for Airtable

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Hi @Abdul,

Thanks for the link to the article. It has helped clarify how this new feature works - which is exactly what we need. We have 2 separate portals setup because we haven’t been able to tie them together in one portal and this solves that problem.

Great feature! Thank you. :slightly_smiling_face:


That is exactly what I needed, thanks for sharing.

The help article maybe could do with some more clarity by adding a real example maybe? It dives into a solution and the table names are very generic before explain “what we’re doing, and why”. HTH

i.e., you have customers, in each order they buy a music download. We want a portal which shows the music they bought in each order.

in the orders you will have a linked field to the items they bought. set up a portal to login on that table, then select the linked field as your table.

Thanks as always, DanC

Hi @dancourse. Thank you for your feedback. I will bring this up with the team.