Portal: Rename Grid View Columns

It would be great if I could rename the columns in Grid View. Right now we have columns with rather user unfriendly names. While we are able to edit the title/label of a field in the editing form, we aren’t able to do so for the grid.
See below…
Want to rename these:

so that these are friendlier names:

It’s possible to rename/retitle a field in the editing form, but not when we’ve chosen a custom list of fields fo rthe grid view.


Yeah!! I second this - as I only want a handful of columns shown instead of all fields in the form I use for editing :slight_smile: but would like to adjust names to look nicer than userID_fx_data etc…


Hello @dsolimini and @Pauly, we already have a ticket for this request. I have added your votes to the ticket to see if we can prioritize it. We will keep you updated on any progress through this channel.


Hi, I just realized I was not able to change the Field Name for the Custom Fields option in the Linked Record Finder on the Form. Please allow the same functionality for it as well.


So… Looks like this feature is now available!

Portal, grid view settings…

Click custom fields and…

Thanks folks – this is great.

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Hmm, there was no announcement about this, but I did try it on a Portal, and it does allow you to change the name of the field now. However, I’m getting this error if I try to click on the custom fields for layout field in the context of the linked record finder. I guess they must have waited to implement this on both the portal and linked record finder before announcing it, but they have shipped the feature on the portal first.

Hi @briansport13. We are still working on this error in the linked records field in the form. We have made an announcement regarding this, particularly in the portal so you can utilize the feature within the portal already.