Timer for the duration time field

It would be very interesting if we could have the option of clicking a timer button next to a duration field in creating forms.Thus the timer would count down the time until the user wanted to stop it

Putting today into context, we use the forms so that our collaborators can control the timesheet, the time spent to each task in a project. The timesheet itself is very important for us to have an idea of the profitability of projects: the amount charged vs. the amount spent on staff hours.

Today they have been launched manually, but many employees ask if it is possible to use the button to calculate the time while they are still carrying out the task, so that once they have finished, they stop the timer and send the form.

Is it possible?

Hi Amanda, thank you for providing this suggestion!

I will pass this on to our product team for consideration and will notify you here if and when this gets implemented.

We always appreciate your suggestions so please do keep them coming!

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