Hey there! So I have a sign-up form for a class, but I’m trying to set a limit on the class. I have a separate table which has all the class status and is updated through automations.
However, I need to prevent the form from being submitted if the combination of tags is a full class. To counter this, I used the formula calculating option to create a (temporary) record when the user wants to check the availability. The second the record is created, an automation runs which checks if the requested class is full, then adds a tick to the record. I then have a formula which outputs a custom message based off if it’s checked or not.
Here’s the issue, Airtable automations are slow. Despite me creating some custom code for this tick, and despite the fact that it claims the run time is 0.5 seconds, it still takes around 3-4 seconds for the automation to finish. By that time miniextensions considers the formulas calculated (~2 seconds after button is pressed) and therefore the availability status is wrong.
Is there any way to delay the formula calculation button by like 2-3 seconds to allow the automation to finish? Thanks in advance.