Anyone worked out a simpler / easier way for user login to portal?

Hi guys

Our users are VERY basic, and most of them use mobile phones. They are mostly old ladies and completely not technical.

The login to the portal is not getting a good result as many of them have to change applications on their phone to get the email pin, then change back, by the time they fight that the code has expired and they panic.

Ive tried changing that to mobile authorisation but they struggle with the international number, and most of them wouldnt know how to type that in the +61 style, there would be risk of mismatches.

Ive thought of a magic link and no password needed etc, but there is a risk that they will forward the email on and someone else gets into their portal and deletes things.

What I really need is a magic link that sends a one time password to mobile by default (I can use an API to zapier or clicksend) then they log straight in? Or just a plain old password login (that they can reset because they will forget it).

Anyone figured this one out?

Hi again!

I’ll add a couple of things here that I haven’t yet covered in our other conversations:

Users don’t need to type the country code. They would really just need to select their country from the list and that takes care of the country code. They then just type their regular phone number in the field.

You could give them a username and password login and set “If record does not exist” to redirect to a form where they can reset their password. That way, if they enter invalid login credentials they will be redirected to the password reset form automatically. On that form you would have a login as well, with email or other verification to ensure no impersonations take place and on the form itself they can change the password and submit. You could also set up that form to redirect back to the portal login after submission to complete the circle. I hope this helps! I’ll attach a screenshot of the setting below:

Hi Hannes! OK - the User and Password login, I didnt know this was possible, that would solve everything I think. Where do I do that?

Your portal uses a Users table (the User Login table in your case). In that table you could simply create fields for a username and password and then use those fields as login fields for the portal (instead of email and phone number like you do now). I hope this makes sense but please let me know if you’d like me to elaborate on this!

I will try and work out the password reset method/loop. Any ideas on how to do that?

My first reply to this thread should give you a good starting point I think, but please do let me know if you run into any issues with the setup!

OK so I am well down the path on this, the issue is now really with users that dont exist and managing their expectations/info. The user base is really basic people with no technical skills at all so I need to keep it really dumb.

Three scenarios.

User exists and mobile matches what is on file. Easy, that works. They get a pin and everything happens.

User exists but there isnt a mobile on file or the mobile they have provided doesnt match the one that is on file. That is a difficult one as that could be someone trying to access someones records.

User doesnt exist at all and needs to be created. We get a lot of spambots, so I need a way to manage spambots making fake entries.

Ive tried setting up a zapier workflow to manage some of the above, and it got me a lot of the way there, but then I had to set up a second zapier interface (which has a lot of limitations and doesnt display conditional messages at all), so then I ended up setting up a Gravity form, which also had massive limitations and needed a webhook to talk back from Zapier.

It got complex fast.

Any ideas?

Hello again, I’ve just replied to you in our conversation in the chat, so we can get all the information into one conversation again.