Validating a login field

I have a form with a login screen using an email address as the login field. It’s configured so that if a record does not exist, it will create a new one with the same form with the email address already populated. It works really well, but I noticed it’s possible to enter literally anything in the login field–it doesn’t actually have to be formatted as an email (@ symbol, domain). I have that field in the main form configured with a field validation so the form can’t be saved if the email address is malformed, but it would be great if login fields could have a validation condition option as well.

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Hi @MoyersBell,

Thank you for your valuable feedback. We have created a ticket for this concern and we will provide updates on this issue through this channel.


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Hi @MoyersBell,

We are pleased to inform you that the concern you raised has been resolved and should be working as expected now. Thank you for your valuable feedback and please do not hesitate to reach out to us for any further concerns.


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