Variable Custom Menu Items in Portal

Currently, the URL in the Custom Menu Items is fixed, forcing all portal users to use the same address. If that URL could be an Airtable field from the users table, the users can be directed to their specific URLs (forms or other actions), offering e.g. a seamless transition into a portal for the same user in a different base.
Either way, great job you are doing…

Thank you for your feedback! I just created a ticket for this. We’ll post here when we have updates.

+1 Great idea this would take the functionality of custom menu headers on the old extensions & make it more flexible since it would allow external link as well, which wasn’t available on the old extension as it only allows other miniextensions form as a header. I would also add I found that having the extension as sort of a separate extension that would allow me to reuse the header on multiple forms without having to set it up for every form

@briansport13 I’m curious to hear more about the header issue. On the new website, are you creating multiple portals with the same content in the header? What are some of the fields that you’d want to reuse across extensions?

Yes I’m trying to make a dashboard that would include multiple portals & forms. Currently I’m doing that by using a combination of a regular header on forms with a hyperlink text (since Menu Item isn’t available on forms) as well as the regular Menu Item on the portals, but the current limitation of not being able to use Airtable Field is holding me back from being able to send the user to directly to a specific record that they could edit via form, and the fact that the users have to login on every single portal & forms is not ideal although is mostly a one time thing. I think a combination of universal extension for things like Header, Login Page like you mentioned on your other reply would be a great feature provided the when different Portal & Forms use the same Login Page they would still be logged in throughout the different forms & portals and conversely be logged out throughout all other forms & portals when the user logged out.

Thank you for expanding on that. This makes sense and feels like the next step for the form and portal. Since this change is not trivial, please note that it may take some time before we can get it out there. We’ll post here when we have updates.

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Yes is definitely a leap that would take the miniExtensions from the individual forms & portals that it is right now, to a full blown dashboard & powerful app maker a worthwhile challenge to take the platform to another level I think :+1:


Dear @dstastny and @briansport13,

We are pleased to inform you that the feature you requested is now available. For more information on this feature, please refer to the following post: Portal: Menu Items support for Dynamic URL.

Thank you for your suggestion and for helping us improve our product. If you have any further feedback or requests, please don’t hesitate to let us know.

Best regards,

Thanks so much, you are incredible!

Just one remark about its current behavior: if the Airtable field for the URL is blank (such when I want to make this item working only to selected eligible users), the menu item is still clickable and it opens a new instance of the very portal it is in. This is I think a bit more confusing than if it just did not do anything for those users who are not eligible…


… or better yet, the item could just disappear altogether if the AIrtable URL field is blank…


Hi @dstastny,

Thank you for your feedback regarding this issue. We want to assure you that we are already looking into this concern and will keep you updated through this channel.


Hi @dstastny,

I wanted to let you know that we have addressed your concern. The menu item will no longer show up when the Airtable field is empty. Thank you for your feedback, and please don’t hesitate to let us know if you have any other concerns.


Hi, I was wondering if there is any immediate plan to bring menu items to the form? I previously suggested that it would be great to have a separate header extension ala old mini-extensions that is able to be shared across different portals and forms, but I understand that it might take a while to build out a new system for shared extension headers as it currently does not exist in the new mini-extensions. But I was wondering if, for now, you could provide the menu items for forms the same way it is implemented on the portal.

Hi @briansport13. It is currently possible to embed a form in the portal using the Custom Menu Item feature. This may address your use case. Please let us know if you have any further questions or concerns.

Do you have any tutorials? I’m guessing you’d display a formula field as a table, and that formula field is the embed code? Also, I’m wondering if there would be any problems if I’m trying to embed the form on another website builder as well.

You can do the following:

  1. Go to the form and get the URL
  2. Go to the Menu Items of the portal where you want to embed the form. Use the URL you got from the form. If you want this to be dynamic, save the URL in the Airtable field instead.

The embedded form should now show up in the portal like this:

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OK, this is pretty neat. I didn’t know you could embed on the portal. This would work fine, but is it possible to have the active menu item tab to always be on the left every time we move tab so that users wouldn’t get lost on which tab they’re on, since it’s easily identifiable? This is something I’ve mentioned on other threads, but I didn’t get a reply, so the admins might have missed it. But having the option to use Airtable Field as the menu item for the title would be great, as well. Also, a button to collapse the menu item would be great.

Okay, I gave this feature a try, but it doesn’t really work in my case, as I need the main page to be the Form, not the Portal. While having the Form embedded in the Portal, Menu Items will always show the Portal as the main menu.

Hi @briansport13. We apologize for the delayed response. To better assist you, could you please provide more details about the specific problem you are trying to solve? It would be helpful if you could provide a real-life example that illustrates the challenge you are facing. This will allow us to understand your needs more effectively and provide you with the most relevant solution. Thank you!

It’s pretty simple, actually. I have a POS app that I want to have as the “main app” on the menu item, so that any time the cashier is using the POS, they can refresh without going back to the “main app,” which I set to be a portal in order to always have a set of menu items on top and access all the other tabs; since Menu Items doesn’t exist on the portal.