QR Code Speed Improvement

Hi team, just checking in on the progress of the External Scanner Batch Scan Mode/Feature; is it going to be ready within a few weeks? Also, I got another feature request to allow filtering for non-Primary Field items. On the old MiniExtension, there was a filter feature on the search linked records, but I found that the implementation isn’t ideal, with the user having to click on the filter and enter the filter search term. I was thinking that you would allow an option to include non-Primary fields in the search result, for example Barcode Number & Product Brand, so that once the user typed in a query, or, for my ideal use case, used a Barcode Scanner to scan a Barcode number, the top result from the search should be automatically selected, with the search field cleared after the selection. This is technically possible by simply making a Formula Field that concatenates both Item Name (The Primary Field) + Barcode Number, but I do think it would be cleaner on the UI if I don’t need to show the Barcode Number and let the user search for it or in this case scanned it.