Support for DNS

Right now my web portal is embedded onto a wix site in order to allow me to use a proper domain name. It works but it’s a little janky tbh! I am curious how others are doing this right now and I’m curious if there is plans to support domain names or better integration options into existing websites.

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I just created a ticket for our team to look into custom domains. We’ll let you know if we make progress on this.

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+1 for custom domains - Ability to add our own custom domains / DNS records will be great - especially for Portal and Single record links.

As embed forms and portals loads abit slower / and quite clunky with the side scroll bars.

@sproutbeats - One work around now I use now for single record link is to embed it and pass the parameters through url

We’re looking into this in the upcoming weeks. This is a high priority for us, but please note that this may take some time due to the involved complexity.

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+1 for this feature would be phenomenal for use cases for client facing sites. Would the current site embed workaround work if I needed to access different records within the form alongside some prefilled value appended as well @JamieZ ?

Hello everyone,

We would like you to know that we have added a feature that will allow you to use custom domain for form and portal. You can check this announcement for more details.


Hi since the new custom DNS is only available on the Business Plan which I don’t realize exist before trying this feature. Could there be a proper tutorial to properly implement site embedding on site builder so that the form could work properly with all the redirect & editing feature as I believe most legacy pro users here could benefit from a proper tutorial.

@briansport13 in order to embed the form/portal, copy the embed code:

The code will look something like:

<iframe id="miniExtIframe-123" height="800" src=""></iframe><script id="embed-script-id" type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

You can change the height in the script. For example:

<iframe id="miniExtIframe-123" height="100%" src=""></iframe><script id="embed-script-id" type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

In terms of redirection, you can customize the behavior here to fit your needs:

Please note that the layout of an iframe is highly depandent on the page that it is on. We do not have any specific recommendations for site builders. Maybe others here have experience with some site builders that they’d like to share?

How about if I need to access specific record through links like I usually do with because I have a form that redirects to 2 other forms pointing to the same record for checkout experience so I’d set the redirect to airtable formula field. Will embedding a form on other site builder allow me to access the form through url

@briansport13 you can do that by updating the URL in the embed:
<iframe id="miniExtIframe-123" height="100%" src=""></iframe><script id="embed-script-id" type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

By setting the RECORD_ID in that URL, you can embed an editing form of that record.

For the redirection, you can use the option I mentioned in my last comment above. It will allow you to control the behavior of the redirection to match your needs.

Any ideas which site builder allows to display a dynamic html based on url query possibly? Because the use case is I would have a form for creating new order which creates new record placed on url then after finishing the 1st page of checkout form I need it to be redirected to another embedded form with Airtable Formula that points to which have embedded as html

Instead of using two different URLs on your website, what if you redirect on the form itself to the next form directly using the URL, and use the embed type above to make that redirection happen within the iframe itself, so that the user stays on your domain. I think it might work.