Timeline View of same Airtable on Portal


Along with being able to have a Portal page linked to the same Airtable (but have different view settings), would it be possible to have a Timeline View of the same data i.e. a Timeline of the same Airtable, just a different way of viewing said data. I appreciate it is probably a lot more difficult to display though, so not sure if possible or not.


Hello, @Albie_on_tour. We would appreciate it if you could share more details about your specific use case. Could you kindly explain the problem you are trying to solve with this solution? Your input will help us better understand your needs and provide the most suitable solution. Thank you!

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Hi Paulo.

I have a large Grid on Airtable with a few thousand records on it. These records have start and end dates (as they’re Trips) and various different Suppliers cover these Trips. The Portal is their access to the Trips they cover and they can only see the ones they operate - I use the Grid view for this.

I don’t believe I can have another Portal page looking at the same Airtable correct? I was hoping that I could have a separate tab on the Portal, that showed the same data set (Trips) in a Timeline view i.e. a different way of looking at the same data. I currently have some pre-set filters set up and Grouping too, but it would be nice to have another page on the Portal looking at the same data.

Hi @Albie_on_tour. Thank you for this information. I’ve gone ahead and generated a ticket for your request. Rest assured, we’ll keep you informed of any progress through this channel. Thank you for sharing your input with us.

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