Different forms for creating versus editing records copies the same settings

Hi there,

I am working on a client portal and have set up two different forms for creating and expanding records. However, every time I edit the one form (i.e. the “form for creating records”), the other form (in this case the “form for expanding (or editing) records”) all changes I make are copied to the other form.

I have “use different forms” enabled/checked for creating and expanding records.

The edits work both ways; I change something in the one form, the other form is altered too.

This is the only place in which the two different forms are actually edited as one form. Is this a bug or am I missing a setting somewhere?

Also, to be more specific: I am trying to have section headers in the “creating records” form and no section headers in the “expanding records” form. But every time I add a section header in the one form, the other form has these section headers copied into them as well.

Hi @JortArie. Welcome to miniExtensions forum.

Simply click on the highlighted icon in the screenshot. A modal will then appear; proceed by clicking the Add button. Following this, the child form for creating and editing record should already be configured as separate settings.

Thanks a lot Paulo! This is exactly what I was missing.

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